What People Eat for Their Typical Cambodian Breakfast

What People Eat for Their Typical Cambodian Breakfast

Cambodian breakfast is one of the typical characteristics that reflect the unique culture of Cambodia. Top 6 Should-Not-Miss Dishes will drive you to explore this beautiful country where there are friendly people and yummy foods. Follow us! In this article, Indochina Tours will provide all the information about Cambodian breakfast.

Traditional Cambodian Breakfast Dishes

1. Num Banh Chok – Cambodian Rice Noodle Soup

Num bank chok is considered as the quintessence of Khmer cuisine that is extremely adored by not only the Cambodian but also the foreign tourists. Besides, Cambodian rice noodle soup is also a typical dish for breakfast of the local people. Therefore, it is easy for you to find out a Num bank chok restaurant everywhere. A full bowl of Bum bank chock consists of noodles, fish sauce, green curry, mint leaves, bean sprouts, green beans, banana flowers, cucumber and some other vegetables. Although the broth is made from fish sauce, the fishy smell is reduced and the flavor becomes more delicious thanks to the skillful workmanship of the Khmer. There will be regret if you visit Cambodia without trying this food. List Num bank chok into your should-not-miss dishes to experience a real Cambodian breakfast!Cambodian Breakfast - Num Banh Chok

2. Bai Sach Chrouk – Delicious Dish of Cambodian Breakfast

Bai Sach Chrouk is a traditional Cambodian food, of which rice is cooked with pork in a simple recipe attracting both the local people and tourists, especially in the morning. It can be found everywhere in Cambodia, from the small alleys to big restaurants as a breakfast dish. In the processing of Bai Sach Chrouk, rice is done to a turn; besides, the pork is marinated with esoteric spices then well-cooked to keep the yummy flavor. The dish is usually eaten with cucumbers, tomatoes, pickled radish and a warm bowl of soup, which creates the perfect combination. Bai Sach Chrouk is a plain gift of this beautiful country for the tourists so you are suggested to try should-not-miss dish as a Cambodian breakfast.Cambodian Breakfast - Bai Sach Chrouk

3. Bobor – Cambodian Porridge

One of the popular Cambodian breakfasts is rice porridge called Bobor. This dish has a long longevity in Cambodian history, which is shown at the event that the bobor recipe even appeared in an engraving from Angkor era in the 10th century. It will be an amazing experience if you sit in a small alley in Cambodia and eat a bowl of warm bobor.Bobor Cambodian Breakfast

Cambodian Breakfast Influenced by China

4. Kuy Teav – Hu Tieu

As a mighty ally for many years, China has influenced many aspects of Cambodia, including breakfast. One of the popular dishes in the morning is Kuy Teav (Hu tieu), and the brand name Hu tieu Nam Vang is the most famous one that you should not miss when stepping the step on this nation. Kuy Teav is processed based on the individual taste, normally including pig’s tripe, shrimp, crab, squid, etc. The most typical characteristic of this dish is the broth cooked with minced pork to create the delicious flavor. Therefore, it will be very exciting to try a Chinese-originated food in the Cambodian way.Kuy Teav - Hu Tieu Cambodia

Cambodian Breakfast Influenced by France

5. Num Pang – Cambodian Sandwich

Num Pang is one kind of sandwich that is similar to Banh Mi – Vietnamese Sandwich. Due to the French colonial period, Cambodian cuisine is partially influenced by French culture and Num Pang is one of the concrete demonstrations. You can easily find out Num Pang vendors along the streets in Cambodia. The sandwich is traditionally composed of pâté, meat or butter together with mayonnaise, some slices of papaya, pork pies, and some spicy chili sauce. Num Pang has become an indispensable dish in Cambodian breakfast, associated with the daily life of the local people. If you have a Cambodia tour, do not forget to add it into your should-not-miss dishes!Num Pang - Cambodian Sandwich for Breakfast

Cambodian Fast-food Breakfast

6. Nom Korng – Cambodian Donuts

For those who do not have enough time to eat breakfast, Nom Korng is a preferable choice. Sold in the market, this cake is made from rice flour, covered with a glaze of jelly and sesame seeds. Although donuts are found all over the world, Nom Korng has kept special characteristics that are not affected by foreign elements over the years. And this local breakfast has partly reflected Cambodia’s cultural image for thousands of years. Coming to Cambodia, remember to try Nom Korng and compare it to other kinds of donuts to find the differences!Nom Korng - Cambodian Breakfast Donuts

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