Cao Son Market

Cao Son Market

The mountainous town Sapa has many unique fairs that bring the beauty of locals’ life. Travelling Sapa, tourists can visit Cao Son Market. Cao Son Market is a large market here where many ethnic minorities such as H’Mong, Dao … go to exchange goods, meet and make friends…
Cao Son Market is located in Cao Son Commune, Muong Khuong District, Lao Cai Province, from Lao Cai City about 80 km. Coming here, tourists will have the opportunity to interact, chat and learn more about the daily life of ethnic people.

Cao Son market
Cao Son market

Cao Son Market is the market of the ethnic groups of Hmong, Phu La, Black Dao and Hoa living in the 4 biggest villages of Muong Khuong District. The market is only opened on Wednesday each week.
From the early morning, we catch the image that people together go to the market. They might be groups, pairs or just go alone. Some load the goods on their backs, some pack stuff on horse’s back, some travel by motorcycle, bicycle…

Cao Son Market seems to be more beautiful with lovely people, local goods and poetic natural scenery. In the immensity of the mountains, they buy, sell and exchange goods.

H'mong mothers piggyback their children on the way to Cao Son market
H’mong mothers piggyback their children on the way to Cao Son market

Like some other upland markets, Cao Son Market is divided into many areas: the items bring mountainous flavor such as vegetables, herbs, mushrooms, black mushrooms, honey, corn wine, upland rice, housewares, jewelries … gathered in one area, beautifully arranged. In that colorful sight, the one that stands out is the area displaying brocades with colorful, lively patterns. These are the subtle items showing the talent of Hmong, Phu La and Dao women in weaving, dyeing as well as embroiding.
However, the most attractive area is the place selling livestock, poultry such as buffalos, cows, pigs, chickens, dogs, horses … This area never stops the uproarious sound of buyers, sellers.

Thang Co is the most popular dish in Cao Son market
Thang Co is the most popular dish in Cao Son market

The area for ethnic cuisine lies nearby. Visitors are hard to resist the great flavor of the pan of Thang Co ( a dish made of the organs of horses)of Hmong group, the yeast of ethnic wines such as Coc Dam, Coc Ngu corn wine… In that bustling atmosphere, visitors will definitely stop, sit down and enjoy the specialties with the locals.
Besides, going to Cao Son Fair, visitors have the opportunity to witness the cultural interference of some ethnic groups living in the villages along Chay River. Also, visitors can cruise on Chay River and do some sightseeing of the both sides.

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