Ham Rong Mount

Ham Rong mount in Sapa

On the way from Lao Cai City to Sapa, visitors will encounter a majestic mountain. It is Ham Rong Mount that is 1,800 m high above sea level. From a distance, the mount looks like a dragon flying between the white cloud.
Ham Rong Mount is located in the majestic Hoang Lien Son Range, Sa Pa Town, Lao Cai Province, from Lao Cai City 33 km.

Ham Rong mount in Sapa
Ham Rong mount in Sapa

According to legend, at the time when God created the universe, a couple of dragons so closely tied each other that when the great deluge was rushing waves, they did not know. Until the wake, they were hurriedly apart to fly up but it was late. Thus, each one must be a direct. Until now though being petrified, the female dragon still survival tries to see her lover at Hoang Lien Son Range in the west. The female dragon is Ham Rong Mount today.

Ham Rong Mount in early morning
Ham Rong Mount in early morning

Not exaggerating when this place is called a mini version of Sa Pa, because visitors can feel the beauty of nature, culture and people of the highland town with each step up to Ham Rong Mount.
Along the road to Ham Rong Mount, tourists will encounter a diversity of the strange flowers of the temperate region of Sapa. Orchids, hydrangeas, azaleas, roses…are together blooming.
Also, there are plenty of beautiful and unique flowers of cold countries, imported from abroad as amethyst flowers, Japanese cherry blossoms…

Ham Rong Mount like a home of flowers
Ham Rong Mount like a home of flowers

Visiting Ham Rong in the spring, visitors have the opportunity to enjoy the fairy beauty of the fade blossoms garden. The blossoms tree here bloom over a corner of the area, we see somewhere the pure white of apricot, plum blossoms.

Continue the journey upward, visitors will feel like being lost in the fairy land when passing the vast stone garden which the stones have diverse shapes.

Scenery of Sapa from Ham Rong Mount
Scenery of Sapa from Ham Rong Mount

On the road to the sky entrance, we see the vast sky towards, cloud spreading under the foot. Past the sky entrance 1, stop at a height of about 1,700 m in the sky entrance 2 to get a clear sight of the dragon head. Besides, the campground here has an orchard with three main categories: peaches, pears, plums for visitors to enjoy.
In particular, besides watching the flowers, visitors can also admire the panoramic view of Sapa Town from the height because Ham Rong Mount is the best point to see it.

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