Pilgrimage Tourism in Cambodia – Banteay Kdei Temple

An entrance surrounding Banteay Kdei Temple

Tourist attractions in Cambodia make visitors not only satisfy about the shopping needs in some traditional areas such as Phsar Thom Thmei Market (Central Market, Phnom Penh), but temples with unique architectures by exquisite sculptures, featured for Cambodian culture like Banteay Kdei Temple will also make you feel extremely interesting and impressive. For years, the temple has attracted many tourists to visit with its religious landscape. Banteay Kdei has the similar style to Bayon Temple and owns some other unique architecture, creating a mystical stunning temple.

An entrance surrounding Banteay Kdei Temple
An entrance surrounding Banteay Kdei Temple

Banteay Kdei is a temple in Angkor Complex. It is located to the southeast of Ta Prohm and to the east of Angkor Thom.
Banteay Kdei Temple was built in the late 12th and early 13th century, under the dynasty of King Jayavarman for worship of Vishnu – Hindu God. Besides, this had been the residence of the monks for centuries until 1960.

View of the west entrance of Banteay Kdei temple
View of the west entrance of Banteay Kdei temple

Banteay Kdei brings a strange, ancient and dignified beauty but is not so magnificent, very close and spiritual. The temple was built of sandstone, owning the architecture of both Angkor and Bayon. The structure of the temple is similar to Ta Prohm and Preah Khan, but less complex and smaller.
Banteay Kdei consists of two large walls extends around two main galleries in the center. The central location of Banteay Kdei is the main big tower, has many Buddha statues around. On the east of Banteay Kdei there is a large monastery for welcoming pilgrims and tourists.

Apsara dancer of Banteay Kdei temple
Apsara dancer of Banteay Kdei temple

Especially, there is a lake built of laterite inside the temple. The cool breeze from the lake makes this place be a relaxing and pure atmosphere.
Currently, Banteay Kdei Temple has been heavily damaged. A large number of architectures have been collapsed. However, this destination has still attracted a lot of visitors because besides pilgrimaging, tourists can explore the religion and unique culture emanating from the mystical beauty of this temple.

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